wasps nests

  1. L

    Wasp Nest in Chicken Coop

    Hi all, I've a small chicken coop for a couple of birds (free range during the day so it's just basically a 1.5m x 1.5m with a nesting box). There looks to be an wasps nest formed in the corner of the roof - no idea what species are common in Scotland unfortunately. Do they present any...
  2. Phantom_k9

    How to handle pest around chicken coop?

    I am not sure where to post this, so I am putting this down as a potential health issue for my flock... Here in Texas, spring and summer brings a lot of bugs and pest that we have to deal with. One of the more prominent pest we have is Wasp, paper Wasp (and Dirt Dobbers, Yellow Jackets...
  3. annabelle08

    Wasps nest in chicken coop

    Last night while putting up a solar light in the coop, I saw a wasp nest on the ceiling. Does anyone have any ideas of how to get rid of it? The wasps were flying around me at the time, although none stung me.
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