
  1. That crazy duck lady

    Duck Wobbling Around

    Hi all We have a 7 month old duck that we found this morning in the coop, she couldn’t walk without toppling over and when she stood, she stoop straight up and sometimes fell backward onto her back. Her neck was completely tucked in. Obviously we were panicked. We separated her immediately...
  2. C

    One wing in 4 day old chick droopy and not working nearly as much as other side.

    I have a baby chick about 4 days old. It can walk but wobbly. Once it falls on its side that the wing seems not to be working it cannot get back up while if it falls to the side the wing looks and use is normal it catches itself from falling. I have been adding egg yolk, green tea, and a vitamin...
  3. B

    Shivering, Not eating/ drinking, wobbly

    Hello, hello! I had 8 Brahma chicks come in this morning, they were born on Sunday or early Monday morning. After getting them all warmed up, all but one, has been eating, drinking, and exploring. Cersi was being very lethargic and just wanted to lay down. A few times it looked like she was...
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