1st bumble foot in flock

We are extremely HOT right now in Central Texas. So much so, that I turn the water on and let it trickle in the shade by the coop before going to roost at night. I also dump their water on the ground throughout the day when I change out their waterers (I am doing that every 2 - 2.5 hours b/c the water is warming up that fast). This gives them somewhere cool to dig into the ground. So, needless to say, her bandage is getting wet throughout the day.

It is still in the upper 90s when they go to roost. Coop is open to air on all sides, but it is still very hot. Praying for some relief as we head into Sep, but next 5 days are 109, 108, 107, 106 and 103.

These poor babies are hot. I am doing all I can to keep them comfortable. Giving them places to get their feet wet is life saving, I think. :)

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