6 month pullet with long toenails


6 Years
Aug 7, 2013
Western Massachusetts
Not really a chick question but didn't know where else to post.

We just bought a 6 month old Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullet. She's beautiful and seems in very good shape. We are currently quarantining her just to be on the safe side. So far I haven't noticed any issues other than her toe nails seem longer than they should be. We are quarantining her in a big dog crate with sand for litter so I think the sand will help file down the nails. My question is should I wait a while to see if the sand take care of shortening the nails or trim them for her?
If they are long enough to interfere with her walking or the way she uses her feet, I would trim them. If they are just a little long you can probably let her wear them down herself scratching. They are pretty easy to clip using dog nail trimmers (same way you do a dog, little pieces at a time so you don't hit the quick). Dremel type grinders or small files work fine if you don't want to chance clippers.
Dog nail clippers work fine. Birds that are caged typically do grow long toenails and need periodic clipping. The don't have a ground to scratch on daily which is what normally trims the nails. If you trim them just don't go too far or they will bleed. I suggest taking a little bit off at a time and keep some cornstarch handy in case you do clip too far and it bleeds. Or if you have one of those dog or cat nail sanders (I can't remember the name of it) that would work good too and not much chance of accidental bleeding there.
I use dog nail clippers for chickens (my silkies commonly need trims). If you trim just a little and wait a week then trim some more you can avoid trimming it too far causing bleeding. The quick will recede if trimmed weekly.

I have blood stop powder on hand just in case as they can die if they start bleeding too much.
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