6 wk chick attacking smaller chicks


In the Brooder
Feb 16, 2022
Western Washington
I have 3 Seramas. 2 came together and are now 4 weeks and 2 weeks. They are buddies and all is well between them. Last weekend I added a 6 week old. At first the 4 wk old cockral picked on her but they worked things out pretty quickly. Now she (the 6 wk) mercilessly chases and pecks the 2 wk old. I tried moving her in with my 2 week-4day old large fowl and she is fine with the bigger ones but the younger/smaller ones she chases. I started separating her from everyone during the day but putting her in with the Seramas at night. She snuggles down with the 2 week old and sleeps all night but as soon as morning comes she is back to chasing and pecking. I would love some advise / suggestions!

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