8wk pullets left without water- not sure how long


Apr 9, 2024
My partner is out of town, and I was out of the house for longer than expected today. When I came home my pullets didn't have any water left.

They've been alone for 10+ hours many times in the past without using up all their water. I have no idea how long they went without water today. I left around 1:30pm and got back around 10, so at the longest they would have gone 8 hours without it. Hopefully much less but I have no way to know.

This is the first time they've ever gone without food or water. I'm feeling so worried. Up until now they've been completely thriving. We are planning on moving them to the coop in 2 days and I'm so worried I set them back.

By the time I got home their lights (which are on a timer) were off, I filled the water and left the light on for a few minutes so they could see and drink. They all drank their fill, didnt seem *super* thirsty, and then went back to their sleeping spots. If they weren't absolutely guzzling water then they probably weren't super dehydrated right?

Gonna change out the water with some electrolyte mix. Anything else I can do?? I feel awful
It’s fine. I think a problem could arise if they had no shade to retreat to on a very hot day. But, more than likely they had water for most of the time.

FWIW, if you offer electrolytes, you should also offer plain water at the same time so they have a choice. I think the package even indicates this. And remove the electrolytes at the end of one day (after 8-10 hours) bc electrolytes are great breeding grounds for bacterial growth. But, package should give guidance too.

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