Added new girls to the flock and this happened


Sep 13, 2023
Stockholm, Sweden
Ok, so yesterday I brought home 2x french copper marans and 2x olive eggers, 7 weeks old, to join my 7 week old Buff Orpington and 2x Plymouth Rocks - all ladies. The youngsters are in a separate pen within the coop, so they can socialize with the older flock through the hardware cloth until they are big enough to mingle. And from the moment they arrived in the pen, one of my hens, Pippa, literally began stalking the newbies. She pecks at them through the mesh and can’t take her eyes off them. And the weird part is, the 4 new girls follow her. If Pippa is on one side of the pen, so sre they, and they press themselves against the net - where Pippa is, pecking. It’s like they have a magnet between them. Pippa is 7 months old and laying since approx. 2 months. She is a Swedish Flower Hen. What is going on? Never had a fight in the coop, I even have 2x roosters who are buddies. She didn’t give a rats a** when the Plymough and Buff were alone in the pen. Seems to be the marans she’s most interested in. Is she just hoping they’d come out so she can eat them, or is this some other kind of strange behaviour I’m not familiar with? All geusses welcome! thanks!

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