Advice on building new coop under pole barn lean to


7 Years
Oct 24, 2016
Southern Indiana
We have 5 acres We in southern Indiana and we are about to start construction on a new pole barn and we are planning on building the chicken area under a lean to off the side of the barn. This will be our first coop we are building so all advice, photos, design suggestions will be appreciated! I will have a 12’x16’ area off the side of the pole barn under the lean to that we will build the coop and run in. We are going to have a man door from the pole barn into the run area so Ill be storing all my feed and supplies righ inside the pole barn. I also plan on elevating the coop some so they will have the area underneath as part of the run. Someday I might free range, there are lots of neighbors that do, but this is new property for us and I want to get a feel for it before we try that. We will be next to a state forestry and I know there are lots of predators.
My goal is to have enough chickens for eggs for our family of 5 and for our kids to sell maybe 3-4 dozen a week. How many chickens should we start with? What dimensions would be good for the coop? Any ideas or plans or design? We do have 4 bantams now that I am planning on putting with the others but I am planning on getting calm breeds like orphingtons, australops maybe barres rocks.
We will have electric to the coop but I don’t heat my small coop now but would like to have a light on a timer for the winter to help with laying and also for heat for the waterer. Since they will be under the lean to will the lack of much sunlight effect laying?
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You most likely need a run area, or free range, so lack of sunlight in coop is no issue. It is good to provide plenty of daylight into coop. Windows, that can be opened for ventilation are needed.
Hard for me to suggest what to build unless I was next to you sipping a cup of Joe and discussing things right in your yard.
Here is a thread with many pictures and ideas. It is much easier to answer questions once you know what you will have.
Electricity for light and to keep water liquid in winter is a very useful feature.
You can also go to top of page, and click Articles---- Coops. For more coop, ideas and pictures.

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