All Polish flock - will they pick on each other


Jun 23, 2022
I want to purchase some Polish chicks for a backyard flock. I was wondering, since the Polish chickens are usually on the bottom of the pecking order, if I have all Polish, will they pick on each other? Or will they all be considered equals? I had chickens back when I lived on a ranch and I had a very large flock of white rock and barred rock chickens that were vicious to the few Polish and Silkies I had. I had to put the Polish and Silkies in their own coop. From what I remember (my memory is not that good), it seemed like the Polish and Silkies got along pretty good.
There will always be a pecking order and I believe there can always be the possibility of a bully. Some say Polish should flock together and some mix them in with others-I have 2 in my flock of 7 mixed breeds and they seem to handle life just fine but they were all raised together since hatch day.

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