American Bresse hen has not started laying after skunk stole all her eggs 2 months ago!


11 Years
Jan 2, 2012
She was laying an egg a day and they were jumbo size! She was a star egg layer! But she found a spot that was hidden to us for 2 weeks in our stack of firewood. I put water and food near her after we found her. She was setting on 22 eggs! But a skunk found her and stole all the eggs after 2 days.
She has joined the flock of hens in the coop now, but has not started laying since then. She is half the size she used to be. I knew it would take her a bit to get back her health and strength. Could the trauma of the skunk put her off from laying forever?
How long ago did the skunk take the eggs? Was she broody? It takes a while for a hen to begin laying again after being broody. Also do you live where the days are getting shorter? Most hens take a break from laying when there isn't much day light. Your hen will lay again in the early spring.
The skunk took the eggs 2 months ago over about 3 days. Her clutch got smaller and smaller until they were gone. She was broody and setting on her eggs. We couldn't find her and thought she might have been taken by predators, and then we found her right before the skunk did.
The days are getting shorter, but the other hens are still producing.
Thanks for your input.

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