are chickens "racist"?

I have 2 flocks. 2 roosters.
1 flock is all Black Copper Marans (BCM) including both roos.
The other flock is all mixed with 3 Black Australorps (BA)
I just swapped roosters in Dec. after being in its separate flock since introduced. The BCM roo that was in with Marans immediately took to the BAs and shunned the others for roughly 2-4 weeks.. just recently I spotted him finally mate my Easter Egger.

Like said "Birds of a feather..."
I have noticed the same. Hens seem to favour males that look like them as well
I have noticed this too, but not the other part. My Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock hen likes my Golden Comet rooster Bucky. I tell her that her boyfriend has to leave to freezer camp this weekend but... she just cackles.

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