Are these eggs safe to feed to my flock?


Obsessed with Animals🦆🐓🐥🐴🐱🐶
Premium Feather Member
Oct 16, 2021
Hey yall I was scrambling some eggs for my family today, and I had cracked two into a bowl, but the third one I cracked into it ended up being rotten. Black goop stayed in the shell while a jelly-like nasty yolk fell into the bowl. I grabbed a spoon quick and scooped out the nasty yolk, but am unsure of what to do. I just pushed the bowl aside and started another batch for the my family, but my question is, if I cook the leftover eggs up can I feed them to my flock? I never got the rotten egg's white out but it doesn't look or feel any different from the rest. I would smell it if I could, but I lost my sense of smell months ago due to covid, and the rest of my family are to scared to smell them. 😆They were all duck eggs, and the one that was rotten was from my pekin. I'm not in charge of the egg collecting, so I'm not sure how old it was, but it was at the bottom of the bowl so it was older. I'm not concerned, I mean this is our first rotten egg like ever. Maybe whoever collected the eggs didn't find it for a few days, but it doesn't matter. Do yall think I can feed the leftovers to my birds if I fry them up? The first pictures are the rotten egg and the last picture is whats leftover.

my question is, if I cook the leftover eggs up can I feed them to my flock? I never got the rotten egg's white out but it doesn't look or feel any different from the rest. I would smell it if I could, but I lost my sense of smell months ago due to covid, and the rest of my family are to scared to smell them.
Personally, I probably would cook them up and feed to the flock.

It might help if someone could smell the eggs, but if your family is in the same house and hasn't complained yet, they probably smell fine.
Personally, I probably would cook them up and feed to the flock.

It might help if someone could smell the eggs, but if your family is in the same house and hasn't complained yet, they probably smell fine.
Ok thanks!

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