baby chics


In the Brooder
12 Years
Feb 22, 2007
i am really new at this. a couple of weeks ago we put 3 eggs in an incubator to see if we could hatch any.we were lucky and all 3 hatched. my question is how do you tell if a chic is a hen or a rooster, or can you?
robinh, congrats on the successful hatch. You will have to wait til the peeps feather out and grow their combs to be able to tell for sure. Sometimes the cockerals will grow a little faster than the pullets. Within a few weeks, some changes should give you some clues. Welcome to BYC.

thank you, i had heard that if the egg was more pointy it would be a male and round would be female, i wasnt sure about that so i thought i would ask, and thank you again!

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