Beginner help please

Barred Rocks are excellent starter chickens, but I have only ever had a few breeds that I wouldn't get again. I love Wyandottes because of their rose combs for winter. They do not all lay late or lay poorly. Mine have started laying at 20-22 weeks & most have laid 5-6 eggs a week in their first year. Easter Eggers are good also. I like them for their pea combs & their blue/green eggs It does seems some hatcheries are messing with then & having some with straight combs now. You'll hear that they are not great layers, but most of mine were! Any Rhode Island Reds that I've had have been mean & not particularly good layers, in fact I dislike most red chickens. Welsummers were mean & poor layers for me also. I would never want to feed a Jersey Giant or a Brahma, but that's me! As you can see, except for comb type, feathering on feet in muddy areas or chickens that just don't do well in cold or heat, most of this is just a particular person's opinion. You can't go wrong with most dual purpose breeds. Read the chicken websites & catalogs & make your pick! Have fun.

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