Behold: The Chicken Bunker.

Do you have any plans made up? Possibly for sale? DH is interested.
Now that is what I'm talking about. A Bunker Coop. That would be great in the Desert. It would help keep the chickens cool. Great Job.

Will you get a wet floor when it rains?
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Hello fellow Granite stater.
You really meant bunker. I thought it was a cute name for your coop.
What a great design.
How will you keep it above the "snow" line. Will you shovel or snow blow?
I'll try to answer all the questions in one post:

No plans, I just dug a hole, built a log cabin inside it, and buried it.

Water has so far not been a problem.

The wheaton hens are Marans.

Dealing with snow? Keep your fingers crossed, and ask me in the spring.

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