Best feeder(s) for Cornish Cross?


Apr 8, 2022
North Alabama
I'm raising my first batch of 24 Cornish Cross and even though I did the research I was surprised by how food aggressive they are. Mine are coming up on 2 weeks old, so have one more week at least of garage raising then out to the open air covered run (10'x30'). I've been using a chick feeder and a 10 lb hanging feeder set on a support to raise it up (encouraging them to stand while eating).

I put out food in the morning and take it up at night (12 hrs on/12 hrs off). In the morning they mob the feeder, and I have to use both the chick feeder and the hanging feeder to reduce trampling and make sure everyone gets a spot. I take out the chick feeder after about half an hour when they've gorged themselves and calmed down enough to gather around the hanging feeder more peacefully while some of them are in a food coma. In about a week, they'll probably be too big for the chick feeder.

My concern is that as they grow and go outside, I'll need to feed everyone all at the same time first thing in the morning, and so I need more feeders. Also I don't want to waste any feed. I need to feed them what they'll eat for the entire day first thing in the morning (I won't be around to refill feeders if they run out). 24 chicks not yet 2 weeks old are already eating 5 lbs of food in 24 hrs - that's half of the 10 lb hanging feeder.

My run has a tarp across the top (clear, no rain gets in) and will be totally covered in 1/2" hardware cloth with a 3 ft apron. No free ranging due to predators.

I've had eggers for nearly a year now, and no issues with mice, snakes, anything getting through my other open air coop/run combo which is very similar to this one. For my eggers I use two size medium treadle feeders and have been very happy with them - the only food waste is my fault if I'm not careful when filling them. The eggers take turns 3-4 birds at a time on the feeders, and feed free-choice 24/7. It requires a bit of stretching and coordination for them to reach the food. I'm concerned that if I try to feed my cornish cross with two of these feeders they will mob them and become injured.

The treadle feeders I'm using for my eggers:

What style feeders would you recommend instead? I've been considering bins with the holes they put their heads through down the sides. Like this one. Cost is an issue, but more important I want everyone to get enough to eat, not get injured, and not waste food. Also I want the feeders to hold enough food for the entire day, or longer if possible. I would block off the feeder at night once the Cornish are outside.

What would you guys recommend?
I just use plastic dog bowls for my meat birds.

They are cheap and easy to spread out so everyone can eat at the same time and also easy to pick up at night when it's time to lock up.
I came here to say the gutter-style feeder, but someone beat me to it. So I second what they said. I don't think CX are really food aggressive unless they don't have enough feeder space. A long feeder like that should solve the problem. Good luck :)
Using the gutter feeders with inverted gutter to prevent feed raking. Two ten foot vinyl gutters with a cinderblock at each end and in the middle. Wired the ends in place. Chickens don't eat after dark and we have about 12 hours of daylight. Chickens are in a covered open air coop/run. The runt has a piece of firewood placed next to the feeders so it can be sure to reach. It's working great!
Using the gutter feeders with inverted gutter to prevent feed raking. Two ten foot vinyl gutters with a cinderblock at each end and in the middle. Wired the ends in place. Chickens don't eat after dark and we have about 12 hours of daylight. Chickens are in a covered open air coop/run. The runt has a piece of firewood placed next to the feeders so it can be sure to reach. It's working great!
Could you take a picture and post it? I’m trying to picture this because I’m fixing to do this same feeder style for my meat birds.
Could you take a picture and post it? I’m trying to picture this because I’m fixing to do this same feeder style for my meat birds.
Very similar to the pics in this thread.

See in the first post how two chickens are standing on a piece of firewood, and there's an inverted gutter over top to prevent feed raking? I took some wire and basically wrapped it around the gutter ends to secure them to the cinderblock so they wouldn't go anywhere or get tipped over once a chicken tries to roost on it.

About three posts down is an example using single vertical cinderblock. I did this, with an inverted gutter as a cover, and used the 12"x16" cinderblock, so it's a bit more stable while on-end. Since the gutters are 10 ft long, I put one cinderblock in the center to help hold the gutter up - it's heavy when filled with feed. Working great. My 4 wk cornish cross (cornish rock) can reach just fine, and the runt has a piece of firewood.

I know most folks remove the feed after 12 hrs, but I'm never home exactly then. They pretty much eat it down to the bottom by the time it gets dark, which is approximately 12 hrs of daylight. They don't eat in the dark, and where their coop is gets plenty dark, so I leave the food out continuously, and they only eat when it's light outside. Also helps with the morning food aggression rush if they have the dregs to start on while I'm still trying to get out there in the morning.

I've got two 5 gal bucket horizontal nipple waterers in there too for my 23 chickens, and that's working great too. The runt gets a retaining wall paver so it can reach the water. Water is placed on the 12"x16" cinderblocks, which get rotated around to increase their height as the chickens get taller. No laying down to drink here.

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