Black sexlink hen, or australorpe rooster?


May 4, 2020
SE Texas
I purchased this "black sexlink pullet" back in April at 6 weeks old.
As she's grown, I started to suspect that she was actually an australorpe(the person sells those as well)

Recently I lost some flock members and she has become the dominant hen. She gained a lot of weight very quickly and I also notice that her tail feathers have become more extravagant. This week, she's also began to try to crow like a rooster. I read up on it and it does seem that sometimes dominant hens can crow when there isn't a rooster around...but that, combined with the tail feathers really makes me wonder...

What do you think? Just let me know if I need to upload some more pics!

What color are the bottoms of his feet?

They're like a faded grey-white color. Similar to the color of the webs on top that you can see in the photo.

The second pic shows what may be the blue/green coloring on his back which is a dead ringer for Black Australorp.

Yeah in the sun he has a pretty intense blue/green/emerald color, which is why I initially expected she had sold me an Australorpe by mistake. Unfortunately I must be better at guessing breeds than sex lol

Now I'll have to try to give him away. I specifically asked for sexlinks to avoid this problem in my neighborhood :(

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