bond your new birds to their home, please


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2020
i woke up to a surprise today :] two peahens in my chickens free range area. but i currently don't have peahens. i think they came from my neighbor down the road, she has quite a few birds of her own, and i will return them to her as soon as i can. please for anyone getting new birds make sure to keep them in the coop or run for a few days to a week before you turn them loose, so they have a chance to bond with where they are supposed to stay and get accustomed with you as being good for them. as tempting as it is to just let a new bird roam you are most likely providing an expensive snack for the local wildlife when they wander in search of their old home
I had a acquaintance at great expense, order one dozen pea chicks a few years ago. She raised them from day olds in the kitchen to 6 month olds outside in the coop. One nice sunny day, she decided to let them out to range in her yard and they promptly left the yard in several directions and did not come back at nightfall. She put up flyers in her neighborhood, adds in the paper, called animal control and all the local vets and six months later had three of them back thru various means. I personally have no experience with peacocks, but I think they have a mind of there own, or at least differ greatly from chickens.
Their owner is likely missing them.

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