BYC Member Interview - Speckledhen **UPDATE 01-01-21 page 8**

My dad passed away in July 2015 and in this millions of pictures, I found these two that I wish I had possession of when we did this interview. Thought I would add them. Chickens have been a part of my life a long time, I guess. This was my grandfather's farm-the dark haired one is my younger sister, Ann. (we are both adopted from different places)

My dad passed away in July 2015 and in this millions of pictures, I found these two that I wish I had possession of when we did this interview. Thought I would add them. Chickens have been a part of my life a long time, I guess. This was my grandfather's farm-the dark haired one is my younger sister, Ann. (we are both adopted from different places)
I love these old pictures. I was ... 3rd grade, maybe 9 or 10? ... When we got our first chickens. Didn't have them as an adult until six or seven years ago, and wouldn't be without them again. Been away from BYC for a while, but very glad to find your story. Thank you for sharing.
I love these old pictures. I was ... 3rd grade, maybe 9 or 10? ... When we got our first chickens. Didn't have them as an adult until six or seven years ago, and wouldn't be without them again. Been away from BYC for a while, but very glad to find your story. Thank you for sharing.

Oh, hey, you! Glad you've come back. I love old photos, too. There is one particular one I really want, one with my sister sitting on the back of my grandfather's Angus bull, not sure if there's one of me, but there were literally millions of photos in my dad's basement, many when he was stationed at Pearl Harbor when in the Navy. Wish there was someone around to tell me who some of those people were. I just thought the chicken photos at granddaddy's farm needed to be in this thread.

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