Can’t get my ducks friendly.


May 23, 2021
Hi , I hatched out 6 Aylesbury ducks under a broody hen which has raised them for the first 5 weeks of their lives. But whenever I go anywhere near them they stress out and run off and I can’t even touch them . Is this because I haven’t brought them up? And what can I do to make them more friendly around humans. Thanks
It's most likely because they don't know you as their protector and parent. They're used to their mama not you yet. Remember always approach them very slow, don't rush into it or you will just freak them out. Try outing your hand on the ground with some food and sitting there as long as it takes for one to come up. When one comes up the others will get more convenient and eventually they'll feel more comfortable around you. First of try to let them associate you with food, never pick them up if they're not ready for that yet. I've noticed that ducks like being scratched on the chest and like to lay in your hand as your hand is flat on the ground.

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