Can food get in eggs? YOUR THOUGHTS?

Apr 13, 2021
So what are your thoughts and knowledge perhaps about this idea, can what a chicken eats get into the actual egg? we know there diet does effect the quality of the egg so doesn't that mean it's kinda in the actual egg too or no? I could only find two answers online to this question an both are saying no but I am not sure? (post answers of the image)

A meat spot doesn't mean the chicken ate meat and a piece of that meat ended up in the egg. As others have said, food particles ending up in the egg is anatomically impossible. A meat spot is a piece of tissue from the reproductive tract that sheds and ends up in the egg. A blood spot, also commonly found in eggs and visually similar to a meat spot, is a drop of blood from a burst capillary within the reproductive tract, that ends up in the egg while it's being formed. Both are common and happen within the reproductive tract, as the egg is being formed, and have nothing to do with what the chicken ate.

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