Can i hatch incubating duck eggs near the parents so they imprint on the parents


Aug 21, 2021
I have two ducks that have mated and have layed eggs that are currently being incubated. I am wondering if I can somehow make the ducklings imprint on the parents and not me. All help is very appreciated.
Only way an adult duck will imprint on ducklings is if she broods the eggs and hatches them. The drake will care less and has even been known to kill his own ducklings which he won't see as his anyway. The best thing for the ducklings to for you to brood them then when they are old enough let them live side by side with their parents so they get use to each other. It's a process it can last quite a while especially with drakes being in the mix because you have to keep the ducklings away from the drake so he doesn't breed them until they are of laying age.

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