Can other ducks break another’s leg?!


In the Brooder
Aug 30, 2022
So today there was a hawk nearby…..after the crows scared it away I noticed one of our girls away from her flock. You could tell something was off…. She was scooting through low water …finally got her out and she’s hobbling on one leg. Took her to the duck house and put her down and then the others (2females n male) came inside. Walked away then came back and one female and the male are attacking her! So I don’t know if her flick hurt her or a hawk. No feathers around and no cuts of any sort. But her hock is swollen and feels broken or possibly dislocated. Keeping her in tonight and will get her to a vet tomorrow but wondering if anyone would know.
It's possible but I would think it's more likely to be a strain or sprain rather than a broken bone.
Sorry she's hurt. Let us know how the vet visit goes.
Yes you’re right….she’s putting weight on it. At least she can rest quietly tonight or however long it takes. She’s been running from the male who’s trying to mate so maybe that’s what happened.

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