Can you keep a small group of Freedom Rangers with layers?


Crossing the Road
Jun 27, 2021
If we want approximately 10 Freedom Rangers and 5 layers, can they live together for the 10 weeks the Meat Birds will take to grow?

We have an unused smaller coop and large fenced area (about 300 sq ft) . Hoping I can house them together until grown, as opposed to having to construct a tractor. Thoughts?

ETA: they would all come as chicks together, we would eventually integrate the 5 layers with our large egg flock by adjoining the two fenced areas, but allow them to sleep separately if they chose to.
We have an unused smaller coop and large fenced area (about 300 sq ft) . Hoping I can house them together until grown, as opposed to having to construct a tractor. Thoughts?
Freedom Rangers are not as bad as Cornish Cross. One problem you can have is the meat birds may (or may not) bully the layers from food or water. If you see that put in a separate food station and water station. Your FR's will eat and thus poop a lot. It may be more challenging to keep their area dry to protect against Cocci. But you need to do that away with meat birds.

Your layers will probably want to roost at some time. The FR's might also. I'd keep the roosts really low while the FR's were in there. You don't want them injuring themselves jumping down.

If they pile up, say in a corner, the smaller birds could be crushed. I would not expect that to be a problem unless they are frightened. That kind of stuff can happen even if they are all layers so I would not be overly concerned. Just how small is that coop for 15 birds?

Overall I don't see any deal killers but you may need to work a little harder in keeping it clean and dry than if all were layers.

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