Can't stand, walk and swollen back side

Gave her an Epson salt bath and tried to feel for an egg but didn't feel anything. She did have some yellowish/ white stuff come out.....maybe poop and I gave her some crushed tums in yogurt. She doesn't try to use her legs at all and had to prop her with alot of towels otherwise she falls back or over to one side. I hope to see some change in her tomorrow. She's now my house chicken ❤
I lost her this morning at 6:50am. I was holding her as she passed.
I am so sorry.
Do you know that you can send her body to your state lab for a necropsy for an answer as to why she died?

Knowing why she died may help prevent some of your others from dying.
Also she gets laying crumbles and oyster shells I didn't think about those 😔
That was good. It meant she was getting enough calcium to make an egg shell.

So sorry you lost her. It sounds like she was passing egg material. so likely a reproductive problem. There was nothing you could have done to fix that. :(

I lost an 8 month girl. She laid eggs for a month and then started dropping them too fast or was just not forming shells around them. It can happen early when they start laying eggs.

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