Chicken Aprons for Naked Hens


8 Years
Jul 9, 2011
Ashland City, TN
Myself and many others have been looking for ways to help our hens from over-exhuberant Roos and I FINALLY found the solution.


Here's one link about the who, what, when, where, why, etc....This one has wing tips, which I need for one of my hens. This newsletter of sorts has advertisements on it, but it'll give you the basics. Here is an excerpt; ..."To make a saddle proportioned for a Rhode Island Red hen, you will need two pieces of denim or canvas 6-3/8" x 9", two pieces of 1/4" elastic and thread...."



Here's a very good step by step pattern and one that I am probably going to use the most. I am raising some beautiful heritage breeds (only babies right now) and I do not want them to go through what my RIR's are going through.


Here's a video on how to put it on!


I am going to make some and will add pics later. I'm going to use a light cotton with the inside webb for durability. I'm not going to use patterned fabric because some colors and fabric make my Rooster go crazy. I'm just gonna stick with a basic solid.

If you make these already and have pictures, please share! If you decide to make them like I am, post pics too!

Love Y'all!

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This seems like a good idea, especially for someone showing their hens, or for flocks with a high roo/hen ratio.

I was wondering if anyone out there knows of a magic roo/hen ratio that would assure fertilized eggs without any hens sustaining feather loss.
I've been told by the farmers around here that 1 Rooster for every 15-20 chickens keeps a good flock. Roosters are meant for protection and not enough hens cause aggression. My flock is waaay off balance myself right now, and I just discovered "Tess" is "Chester", and unfortunately I've become attached to this one, but he's gotta go. I have two Roos now that need to be re-homed. :-( Regardless, until that day comes, (easier said than done) I am making the aprons hoping to give my girls some relieve while the juveniles and babies grow up.

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I was wondering if anyone out there knows of a magic roo/hen ratio that would assure fertilized eggs without any hens sustaining feather loss.
There ultimately is no set number. It depends on the drives of the birds. A aggressive rooster needs more hens for less feather loss. Also there can be a cadre of hens that stay with the rooster and then they get worn feathers and the rest of the flock looks pristine.

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