Chicken got too hot and not recovering?

So after 9 years we had same problem happen to us. I highly suggest dunking in water but not cold water. We dunked ours in their outside 5 gallon water so it was warmish. But we did put her under car ac for a long time opening her wings and had it pointed between her legs. We also gave her electrolytes. She was inside for 3 days and finally started walking on her own and now she is fine. Good luck!
I wasn't able to get the Nutri Drench, as the feed store was out. The 100 year old cowboy that works there said that tons of chickens are dying from the heat and that Salmon Favorelles (this one and the one that died) are too sensitive for this climate and to be around the other chickens I have (they are def bullies). Not too hope inspiring.

I've been tube feeding her water and now water with electrolytes and she seems the same, not really better or worse. I ordered some Nutri Drench online... I really can't have a house chicken but I suppose I'll continue to monitor for now.
Sorry for your Favorelle's condition and your loss. I live in SoCal and lost my 9mth old Favorelle 2 weels ago. Went out to mist chickens mid-day and found her on her side in the coop. Brought her in, gave her a cool bath, syuringed electrolytes but she was unable to use her legs. Later she army crawled in the box I had her in. She died the next morning. She was broody and I guess would not leave the coop. I have it closed now during the day. Love the breed but since chickens cool off via their legs and feet, their having feathered feet doesn't help. They are a wonderful breed and I am taking special care of my remaining one. Her sister is really missing her

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