Chicken has Coelomic distention (important)


Nov 18, 2023
Vet diagnosed 3.5 year old buff cochin with coelomic distention. She has no fluid in her stomach but instead might have a reproductive disease/cancer. We were prescribed antibiotics that we give 1/2 of a pill 2 times a day. She has not started to lay eggs again since fall.
Her belly is not super large, but it is distended. I don't know if it is growing.

The Vet also said to consider a Deslorelin implant. Can I get details about this? It will probably stop her from ever laying eggs.

Can I get input on reproductive diseases and how to help her? No culling. Pictures can be provided later.

(update on her health): She has bumblefoot in both feet, so I have been cleaning and replacing bandages daily. Vet prescribed painkillers. I don't know if it's the painkillers or the pain in her feet, but she is puffed up and lethargic. Praying for her recovery.
Coelomitis is a newer term for egg yolk peritonitis. This is common in many hens over 2. The vet is probably guessing that she is laying internally, and there can be masses of egg material found during a necropsy (autopsy.) There is nothing you can do about this, except to give the very expensive hormone implant that may last 4-6 months, and then continue that. Or to have a dangerous spaying, and chickens do not tolerate being put to sleep. It is up to you whether or not to try the hormone implant, but it would cost a lot in vet fees. As long as she is feeling okay, and living her life, I would just let her be a chicken.

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