Chicken Manure Ok to store garbage can?


6 Years
Nov 3, 2017
Albuquerque, NM
I have been collecting and storing my chicken manure all year in plastic garbage cans. I thought I could just turn it into my soil for growing vegetables. But is this okay?
What’s the best way to store it? I scrape it off my poop boards. So it’s straight poop.
Second question. Last year, I made chicken poop tea. I still have a lot. I read somewhere it is not usable now and actually dangerous?

Third question. Why do I have to use a pillowcase when making making the tea? Is the leftover more solid stuff bad to go in the garden?
Chicken manure has a high moisture content. I would be concerned that unless you turn it regularly and let it dry out, it would mold rather quickly. In the winter after the garden has been put to bed, spreading the manure straight onto the beds is fine. Not so much right now.
I would take last year's tea and dump it on the compost pile or around a tree. Surprised it didn't ferment and turn into a bomb.
The pillow case just keeps the poop from clogging up the spigot and hoses .
Chicken manure has a high moisture content. I would be concerned that unless you turn it regularly and let it dry out, it would mold rather quickly. In the winter after the garden has been put to bed, spreading the manure straight onto the beds is fine. Not so much right now.
I would take last year's tea and dump it on the compost pile or around a tree. Surprised it didn't ferment and turn into a bomb.
The pillow case just keeps the poop from clogging up the spigot and hoses .
Thank you! Great advice! I’ll pour the old tea on the compost. The poop is pretty dry in the garbage cans, I’ll spread it out in the sun to dry.😊
Agree with Percheron. My process is sift poo from poo boards (with sand and PDZ,) dump in plastic paint bucket under poo boards with a handful of anything carbon (pine shavings, hay, straw.) Then dump in compost once / week. That way it starts the composting process starts in the paint bucket. It's anaerobic to have only nitrogen and all that biogas must smell pretty bad. Can you toss just a handful or so of organic matter in the bins and drill holes for airflow? I'd definitely "put my garden to bed," with it for winter, but not add what you've got to spring beds.
Yes, I can layer pine shavings after each deposit of poop. I can drill some holes too. I have poop boards too. I begin using the PDZ right about now when the weather gets warm. Is PDZ bad for compost?
I’ve just been throwing the used pine shavings in a pile (there is still quite a bit of poop in it) along with garden refuse. Most kitchen scraps go to the chickens.
I live in incredibly, dry Albuquerque, New Mexico. My compost pile hasn’t degraded at all. I’m totally ignorant.
I guess I really need to up my compost game. The amount of money I just spent on compost for my huge garden was bonkers.
Yes, I can layer pine shavings after each deposit of poop. I can drill some holes too. I have poop boards too. I begin using the PDZ right about now when the weather gets warm. Is PDZ bad for compost?
I’ve just been throwing the used pine shavings in a pile (there is still quite a bit of poop in it) along with garden refuse. Most kitchen scraps go to the chickens.
I live in incredibly, dry Albuquerque, New Mexico. My compost pile hasn’t degraded at all. I’m totally ignorant.
I guess I really need to up my compost game. The amount of money I just spent on compost for my huge garden was bonkers.
If you have a existing compost, turn it a couple of times then water it thoroughly. Then place a dark colored tarp over it and anchor the corners with large rocks. Check it once a week.

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