Chicken math is...


May 25, 2022
Southwestern Pennsylvania
When you start with 10 chickens, for a whole year... That's enough, 7-10 eggs a day, more than your fam can eat and you just give away the extras. Then one goes broody. Instead of breaking the broodiness, you decide to ask a friend for fertile eggs. Only 4 maybe. But she thinks her rooster has favorites, so she gives you 17. You put them under broody lady and proceed to buy a candler because now you're afraid of spoiled eggs exploding. Turns out, friend's roo is busier than she thinks and you end up with 13 fertile eggs. One ends up with the "the red ring", but two weeks in you have 12 eggs with movement. Even if only 75% hatch, you now have 9 more chickens, probably several roosters... This is how chicken math works. Chicken algebra, in this case, if you will.

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