Ik it's not always the best thing to do to ur naighbour but when chickens rnt beening treated right u should call ur local animal shelter or whoever where ur from is in charge of animal cruelty cause that's all ur naighbour is doing is beening cruel to a the roosters never mind how stressed the hens must be

And if they can’t re-home them, then they’ll probably put them to sleep. At least it’s quicker and less painful than starving to death.
And if they can’t re-home them, then they’ll probably put them to sleep. At least it’s quicker and less painful than starving to death.
The way I look at it is would I like to be in a room with 17 other people only getting next to no food for the rest of my life or well.....
The right thing to do is let the authority's know and there situation ccouldnt get any worse
CONGRATS TO THESE WINNERS! It was EXTREMELY hard to choose, since all of you had such amazing entries.
Sky was a beautiful hen. I'm so sorry you had to lose her. :hugs

@Lady Who
That rooster is stunning! you should enter him in a real show. ;)

you are so kind as to care for a neglected rooster that's not your own. Most people don't have half the heart you do. :)

And finally:

I LOVE polish chickens! I loved the cute pictures and captions! Winger has some funky hair. :cool:
Thank you!

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