Chicken sitting—always a bad sign?

Laying down isn't always a bad sign, but if it is out of the norm, keep an eye on them. My girl Rooroo usually never laid down, the first time I saw it, I figured she was just resting, and the second time, an hour or two later she was in the same spot and I knew something was off. All the other chickens were running around and going about their business and she was just sitting there. When I went over, she did get up but moved very slowly and acted off. I ended up taking her to the vet the next day and she got antibiotics and now is feeling much better. I would say if you are concerned, try approaching them, picking them up, observing how they walk and stand. If they always run over for treats, see how they react when you offer treats, etc. If everything seems normal other than the laying, they may just be taking a rest, but still keep an eye on them if it is out of the norm. Birds do try to hide illness, so if you think something is off it is probably a good idea to start trying to figure out how to help. Adding vitamins, electrolytes, etc to the water could help as well.
I'm glad to hear your chicken is doing better! And that you have a vet who sees chickens, and so promptly! We only have one avian vet in our state and he's about an hour and a half away, unfortunately.

This chicken still gets super excited for treats and sprints right over with the rest of the flock, fortunately. If that stops being the case, then I'll really be worried.

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