Chicken wobbly and has odd behaviour


Dec 29, 2020
Central Texas
One of my chickens has been keeping her wings down all of the time. I thought she was doing it to protect herself from being pecked but I'm not so sure anymore. I've only witnessed the other chickens occasionally pecking at her and she does have a spot on her back where she has no feathers. Lately, she stays inside the coop and will rarely come out even when I'm there. If she does come out she goes straight for the water as if she is thirsty (I now keep water inside the coop for her). She also seems to have trouble walking; she's very wobbly. She has strange behaviour such as facing the corner or wall of the coop or sitting underneath the food bowl. Her feathers are not smooth (see photo) - I'm not sure how else to describe her feathers but they are not normal. I do not know if she is laying eggs because all of the eggs are the same color except for one. Any suggestions or thoughts would be much appreciated. I've searched this forum and have not found a similar issue.
From the way she is standing upright in the last photo, she might be suffering from salpingitis. They can develop egg masses inside the abdomen which is called coelomitis or egg yolk peritonitis. How old is she now? Does she appear to be molting? I would try to get her drinking and eating. Feel her crop early in the morning before she eats or drinks to see if it is emptying overnight. What do her poops look like?
From the way she is standing upright in the last photo, she might be suffering from salpingitis. They can develop egg masses inside the abdomen which is called coelomitis or egg yolk peritonitis. How old is she now? Does she appear to be molting? I would try to get her drinking and eating. Feel her crop early in the morning before she eats or drinks to see if it is emptying overnight. What do her poops look like?
She is 3 1/2yo and she does not appear to be molting. I don't know what her poops look like as I have not seen her poop. I will get out there early tomorrow morning and feel her crop. Thank you for the response.
She is 3 1/2yo and she does not appear to be molting. I don't know what her poops look like as I have not seen her poop. I will get out there early tomorrow morning and feel her crop. Thank you for the response.
Her crop does not feel swollen. She is drinking water this morning. Our vet does not work on chickens. Any suggestions on what I should do for her? Thank you so much.
Sorry to hear about your bird. I think as birds get older, they are more prone to egg production issues.

Maybe some scrambled eggs or electrolytes?
There is not a whole lot that can be done for a hen with reproductive issues, except to try to keep them eating and drinking. Worming occasionally once or twice a year, and feeding a balanced chicken feed with a little egg occasionally. Keep a watch on her crop function, since an impacted or slow crop can be a side effect of reproductive problems. We always have to have a plan on what to do if they start to suffer pain or discomfort.
There is not a whole lot that can be done for a hen with reproductive issues, except to try to keep them eating and drinking. Worming occasionally once or twice a year, and feeding a balanced chicken feed with a little egg occasionally. Keep a watch on her crop function, since an impacted or slow crop can be a side effect of reproductive problems. We always have to have a plan on what to do if they start to suffer pain or discomfort.
I understand - this is exactly what my husband has been telling me. Thank you.

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