Chickens almost exclusively eating scratch



Aug 15, 2022
Clermont co., Ohio
My birds are about 25 weeks and are now almost exclusively eating scratch.
They were free ranged and got scratch and kitchen scraps before I got them at 16 weeks, and are now mostly penned to the run.
When I got them I had them on medicated flock raiser, and they did not seem to care whether it was crumbles or pelleted, they would eat anything I put into the run or feeder. About 20 weeks old, I gave them the Backyard chicken digestive in their water for a week and they seemed to become more active since then and eat from sun up to sun down except for about 2 hours in the afternoon while they flop.
When the bag of flock raiser got low I picked up a small bag of pelleted all-flock and mixed it 1:2 with the flock raiser crumbles for a few days and then 1:1 until the flock raiser ran out, was giving about 3 tablespoons scratch per advice of breeder and local Feed&Seed, no issues.
Got low on the all-flock, and when I went to pick some up I couldn't find any anywhere, 1 month+ shipping if I ordered online. Had a few days where the chickens were only eating scratch, about 5-6 tablespoons each, kitchen and garden scraps, and foraging.
Two weeks ago, I gave in and got the lowest calcium layer pellets (Formax 16%) stocked from the Feed&Seed; they will hardly touch it.
They have been eating about 3 tablespoons of scratch, and I've been letting them out to forage in the evening and help in the garden when I'm weeding, but how do I make sure my two ladies are eating the feed? I did not offer scratch for two days, and the only result was that the chickens would not let me pet them before bedtime.
Thank you!
I would completely stop feeding scratch and only offer a pelleted or crumbled feed immediately.
Hopefully changing their diet now will prevent deadly issues that are bound to happen if you continue to feed only scratch and table scraps.
For the last two weeks they have only gotten the pellets and 3 tablespoons each of scratch, no treats. I removed all kitchen scraps from the run and they only go out to forage for an hour or two before sunset on evenings I can sit out with them, about 2-3 times a week.
I have tried wetting the food, they took a few nibbles and I had to dump it next day due to pooping in it. I cleaned it, put in some pellets and left it for three days, no other food given, and had to dump it due to being pooped in.
They take a few nibbles of the dumped food if they find it while foraging but if I feed them on the ground in the run it just sits there wasted. They do not have an issue with the feeder because they will eat every bit of scratch out of it if I put it in there.
I will take away the scratch and endure the chicken scoffs, thank you all.
For the last two weeks they have only gotten the pellets and 3 tablespoons each of scratch, no treats. I removed all kitchen scraps from the run and they only go out to forage for an hour or two before sunset on evenings I can sit out with them, about 2-3 times a week.
I have tried wetting the food, they took a few nibbles and I had to dump it next day due to pooping in it. I cleaned it, put in some pellets and left it for three days, no other food given, and had to dump it due to being pooped in.
They take a few nibbles of the dumped food if they find it while foraging but if I feed them on the ground in the run it just sits there wasted. They do not have an issue with the feeder because they will eat every bit of scratch out of it if I put it in there.
I will take away the scratch and endure the chicken scoffs, thank you all.
You can hang the feeder as high as their backs to keep the feed clean and still at beak level.

ETA: To up the nutritional value of grain you can sprout it for 3-4 days and add some brewers yeast to it.
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You can hang the feeder as high as their backs to keep the feed clean and still at beak level.

ETA: To up the nutritional value of grain you can sprout it for 3-4 days and add some brewers yeast to it.
The feeder is up on legs so it's about 6 inches off the ground, I don't know if they are perching on it or kicking poo into it but I will have to find something to hang it from.

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