Colored rangers - 8 weeks


11 Years
Jul 7, 2008
I think my rangers are 8 weeks old now. I let them go a week and a half or so on a lowish protein food due to circumstances out of my control, so they're a little behind. I have a few in the two to two and a half pound range, but most are in the three to four pound range. A few are over four.

According to JMHatchery, where we got the birds,
Performance goals under true natural rearing systems:
Based on the results and experiences of our own flocks and our customers’ flocks, the Colored Range assortment will reach 4 to 5 LBS Live Weight in a minimum of 9 weeks and a maximum of 11 weeks.

If you factor in a very slow week, say add it to the end, they should all reach 4-5 lbs live by 10-12 weeks, or in 2-4 more weeks. At the rate they're growing, that seems plausible.

In the meantime, they've got 24/7 access to the local grain mill's broiler food, plenty of water and aren't currently going outside until I can hawk-proof the run. I wasn't planning to limit exercise, but that's how it worked out anyway.

I'll have to call the processor to schedule a date and decide how many do to, but I think I'll let the majority of them hang out and grow a bit exttra. I doubt they'll magically get tough at 12 weeks. IIRC, JM said to get them done before 15 or 16, but I can call to confirm.

It's been a very pleasant experience dealing with these guys. We've moved the rest of the birds (three dozen or so layers and 3 cornish crosses, all a month younger than the rangers) out into the barn and they're all getting along nicely. We had a trampling early on, but I think the duck did that, not the chickens.

The bedding is being done deep litter style. It's built up quickly, so I may be putting too much down, but it's not gross to walk on, so I don't see any harm to it, other than maybe spending too much money. I haven't figured out where the bedding will go for composting once I empty the barn out. We may just dump it into the bottom two thirds of a raised bed planter that will go near the barn, then top i t off with topsoil. By next summer, it'll be turnable, nice and rich, but this summer it can just be a placeholder underneath the real planting soil.
And they said I could come and help, which ought not to be as exciting as I'm finding it
What is the protein percentage of your feed?

Please post your results with the weight of the finished bird and the eating of it, I was thinking about getting some colored range broilers in the spring.
I really don't know. I had 10 days of layer feed, which I think is 16 percent? It was too low. And I had a bunch of weeks of broiler food at 22 percent. And I've had a few weeks of locally grown broiler food with an unknown amount of protein.

I'll let you know the finished weights. I'm sure it'll be fabulous whatever it weighed!


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