Commercial incubator /Hatcher set


Apr 18, 2017
I have a chance to purchase a used commercial incubator/ hatchet set. The incubator hold over 2000 chicken eggs, includes trays for the harvest and baskets for the Hatcher. They each look like a double door cabinet that the doors swing open from the front. Fully automated, turners, humidity, heat etc. Judy something if anyone had experiance using this size equipment? I was looking at purchasing one or two more cabinets style incubators before spring hadn't really settled on what to do about Hatcher yet when I found this for sale. At$1600 it is about what I would have spent on 2 cabinet incubators and 2 hatchers if I found them all used, with about double(or more) the egg capacity. I am not really that big yet but i hope to be eventually. My farm is my early retirement plan. Any advice?
And I probably wouldn't have it running at full capacity soon but if you figure several hundred eggs per week and eggs started each week, you would have 1000 eggs at a time already in there pretty easy.

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