Concerning behaviour in hen, illness or something else?

Just thought I'd post a quick update. The vet checked her over, no obvious signs of any mites or lice infestation - she said feathers looked more like they had been snapped off, possibly indicative of bullying. Skin underneath looked healthy, heart and lungs sounded great. She prescribed a broad spectrum antibiotic and told us to keep her isolated from the other hens for a few days so she could build some strength back up - as she wasn't eating as much. We got her home, put her in a seperate area, and within an hour she died. Thinking possibly the stress of it all would have contributed somewhat. Thanks everyone for your advice!
Well definitely, the stress could have killed her, but she might have been old too. Birds don't live forever. I am very surprised the vet did not think that was mites.

Keep an eye on the rest, and start looking for chicks! Even though birds do die, it is really a fun hobby.

Mrs K

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