Conflicting feed recommendations


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 16, 2008
My flock of 22 is 5 months old and starting to lay eggs - 5-10/day. They've been on layer mash for about a month. I stopped by a different store to pick up more feed and asked when/if I should feed them scratch. I was told by the "egg lady" NOT to feed them only layer mash b/c it would burn them out -- their primary feed should be scratch with some layer mixed in.....well, this is bassackwards from what I thought and in fact what the back of the Nutrena bag says. So, what DO I feed them? I've been tossing a few handfuls of scratch out in the evening just b/c I love to see and hear them going nuts. They're free ranging over 20 acres as well as my so-called compost pile which they perceive as their all-u-can-eat buffet. They seem healthy, their egg shells are very hard, since this is my first flock I don't know how big they should be right now but no one appears malnourished. So layer + a little scratch or vice versa? What about oyster shell, grit?
Thanks !
Keep doing what you're doing - layer feed plus some scratch. Give oyster shells so the eggs they lay have nice strong shells. If they free range, I wouldn't worry about giving them extra grit, they probably find enough of it on their own.
Yes - definitely keep doing what you're doing. Scratch should just be used as a treat. I rarely use it in the summer because the corn boosts up their temperatures, and it's hot enough here already.
I'm doing what you're doing. Feed during the day, and throw out some scratch occassionally in the evenings. Sometimes I skip days if I give them more treats. Definitely give them oyster shells too. I've heard it can do more good than for just better shells... it can help cool them (so my bag reads).
I was told not to use scratch in the Summer also. If the temps are not to high where you live you may be ok. I give scratch in the cold weather before roosting and early am.
Scratch doesn't have the nutrition they need. It would be like asking you to live on pizza: you could but you wouldn't perform at peak.

Do you have oyster shells for them to eat & get extra calcium as needed?

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