Could a cat do this? (graphic)

Barn cats kills rodents like bobcats, but they also kill birds and usually don't even eat them. Not all barn cats do this but most of them. There is a push in some states to ban keeping cats outdoors for ecological and ethical/animal welfare reasons. I doubt it will pass but its there...
The only things my barn cats regularly don't eat are shrews and this is because they taste nasty.

My house cat, however, was an orphan, so he doesn't know that you should only hunt as much as you can eat. He likes to bring me gifts of rodents, rabbits, and birds so that I will thank him and feed him. He doesn't seem to realize he can just eat them, he doesn't have to bring them to me just so I can give him some boring old cat food. Silly boy.

Most of our cats are much, much happier spending time outside then inside. Especially since my silly boy gets bored and when he's bored he tends to attack you (makes me happier he's outside too. LOL). We also have allergies to the barn cats.
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