Cracked Beak


Jun 29, 2021
Oakley, CA
Well, darn it. My red sexlink did something to her beak.

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)
1 year old red sexlink. I think this just happened. I was outside giving treats and she suddenly ran off. Since she's the Boss Hen, this was very unusual.

2) What is the behavior, exactly.
When Boss Hen ran off, I noticed a line of bright red on her beak. I thought it was some bell pepper or tomato so went to wipe it off and realized it was blood. She didn't want me to touch it, but I nabbed her and got some pictures.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
Just started/happened very recently.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.
Yes - cracked/broken beak. It reminds me of a split fingernail- it's not broken all the way through but its along the entirety of the upper beak. Going with the fingernail analogy I think it's mostly superficial and will heal, but I'm also anxious and if I have to show up at the avian vet's with her in my arms, I will.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
I'm actually not very sure. From the way the wound goes around to beak, I'd think she got it stuck under something hard and jerked it upward, cracking the keratin(?) of the beak. Or my wife suggested she pecked something too hard, but the fact that the injury goes all the way around makes me think she got stuck.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
She was eating some pellets. I've taken them out of the feeder and put them in a bowl so she doesn't irritate the injury with the pecking motion. I might have to mash them up with some water, though.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
Runny and watery but it was 93 degrees here today so drinking a lot of water is important.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
I've separated her from the flock and brought her in. I didn't want them picking at the bloody wound, also wanted to make sure she can still eat. I've never seen a cracked/broken beak before.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
Considering the way things go with vets here, I will probably have to treat it at home.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
Pictures attached. I included both sides of the beak so it's clear the wound goes over and around the upper beak. I guess I have 2 big questions:
  1. Will it heal? It looks like it could be worse....but it also could be a lot better!
  2. What, if anything, should I do for the injury? Like I said above, I will probably wind up treating myself. If this is like a broken nail where it's bloody but ultimately not a huge defect/won't cause long term problems, I'm okay with just keeping an eye on it while it heals.
  3. Should I keep her separated from the flock? The others weren't really paying attention to it but I didn't want to chance any of the others pecking it. Also, I wanted to see if she would eat.
  4. As an aside, someone hasn't laid for two days - either her or the other red sexlink. I was planning to monitor tomorrow, so I wonder if she actually did this yesterday or the day before and just irritated it while trying to get snacks earlier today.


12) Describe the housing/bedding in use -
standard pine shavings in a standard coop.

Any help appreciated! I think she'll be okay?
cracked/broken beak. It reminds me of a split fingernail- it's not broken all the way through but its along the entirety of the upper beak. Going with the fingernail analogy I think it's mostly superficial and will heal
Like you, I think it is superficial and will heal.

Beaks grow from the base, and wear away at the tip. Over time it will grow out and wear off.

From the way the wound goes around to beak, I'd think she got it stuck under something hard and jerked it upward, cracking the keratin(?) of the beak. Or my wife suggested she pecked something too hard, but the fact that the injury goes all the way around makes me think she got stuck.
I'm not sure either, but your thinking makes sense to me.

She was eating some pellets. I've taken them out of the feeder and put them in a bowl so she doesn't irritate the injury with the pecking motion. I might have to mash them up with some water, though.
Chickens can have different preferences, so I would leave a bowl of pellets but also put some in a different bowl with water. They will fall apart as they soak up the water, so you don't need to actually mash them up. And of course leave water available to her as well.

For the wet food, change it out at least once a day so it doesn't go bad. Your other chickens should be quite happy to eat it up so you don't have to throw it away.

I've separated her from the flock and brought her in. I didn't want them picking at the bloody wound, also wanted to make sure she can still eat. I've never seen a cracked/broken beak before.
Good thinking. After you know that she is eating and drinking, I would probably try putting her back and watch how it goes. She may be able to live with the flock, or she may have to be separated until it heals.

If she does need to be separated, I would try to arrange a pen for her where the other chickens are, so she can still interact with them while she recovers. This will keep her from being lonely, and make re-introduction easier when she is ready for it.
Like you, I think it is superficial and will heal.

Beaks grow from the base, and wear away at the tip. Over time it will grow out and wear off.

I'm not sure either, but your thinking makes sense to me.

Chickens can have different preferences, so I would leave a bowl of pellets but also put some in a different bowl with water. They will fall apart as they soak up the water, so you don't need to actually mash them up. And of course leave water available to her as well.

For the wet food, change it out at least once a day so it doesn't go bad. Your other chickens should be quite happy to eat it up so you don't have to throw it away.

Good thinking. After you know that she is eating and drinking, I would probably try putting her back and watch how it goes. She may be able to live with the flock, or she may have to be separated until it heals.

If she does need to be separated, I would try to arrange a pen for her where the other chickens are, so she can still interact with them while she recovers. This will keep her from being lonely, and make re-introduction easier when she is ready for it.
Thanks for this. She's back outside with everyone and I caught her eating so that's good. I think I figured out what she got caught on, too. I got a pecking toy and it's hanging too close to the run's wall and I think she got caught between it. That's on me and I removed it.

It's hard to tell with chickens if they're in pain or not esp in this heat, but if she is eating, drinking, and behaving normally I will keep an eye on her and monitor.

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