Cracked Beak?


In the Brooder
Mar 10, 2022
Good afternoon,

My Plymouth appears to have a crack in her beak. She’s eating and drinking fine, but I’m afraid the crack may get worse.

I read in my handbook that some beak injuries will grow out on their own. From experience, do y’all think it needs a proper cut?

Do not cut it! You are likely to make the problem worse apart from the pain you will cause by trying to cut that much off a beak.
Get some cyanoacrelate (a type of super glue) and where the fracture runs up the beak, run a seam of glue along it carefully. Let the glue set.
The beak may or may not repair itself. What you can do is take a nail file in a few days time and very carefully file a small amount off the jagged edge. This is something that needs doing bit by bit. File every few days a very very small amount just to take the roungness off.

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