deep litter method in open/outside coop?


11 Years
Oct 30, 2008
Ok, I'm using a dog run for my chicken coop and run area. It has a concrete floor and a rabbit hutch inside off the ground for their nesting box area. There is always hay on the ground but it gets pretty soggy, messy & smelly when it rains since rain can enter the run area. I"m in Texas so rain can be far and few between but am wondering if you can use the deep litter method with hay and in an area that gets wet? Would just covering up the wet hay with more "fresh" hay rid the smell & wet mush? or is the deep litter method only for inside/rain protected coop areas?
I believe a deep litter method needs direct contact with earth in order to work properly, therefore the concrete floor would nullify the effort.
that's what I was thinking. I have a dogloo in there also that I put hay in and they kick it out into the run area which actually makes a nice flooring (until it gets wet)...then it's a nasty spongy/poopy mess I usually just get it out of there and spread on gardens at that point rather than piling more on. I just wondered if anyone uses anything like that successfully in an outdoor run and how to do it right? Guess I'll end up keeping doing what I'm doing? ugh...there's got to be an easier way. I will be roofing it at some point so guess that will help some. thanks for replies.
I also used hay at first....when its new its soft and clean...etc...once they start to poop and all it becomes yucky, clumped up...sticking together in one large lum..etc...and stinks....I switched completely...I also found out that Hay is HOT in summer...and I wanted to keep my babies cool. and I was having to replace and clean it almost every day!!!! AND OMG!! THE FLIES THAT WERE SWARMING!!!!

So I got shavings instead, covered all the bottom of the inside of the coop, and it was nice!!!! I put it in about 1mo ago...I havent had to replace it or clean it out much!!!! Its great....I go in, as I talk to my girls...I get the rake and I move it around....when I do this, I throw in also a small amount of feed, this teaches them to move the shavings around themselves and help keep it clean....Its made such a difference!!!! No flies at all!!! which I love, I also put it in there nest boxes..its soft on there feet also.

On the outside, which is there run, I went and bought a truck of sand...18 bucks for a large size truck of sand, I covered the entire run, including under the coop....they love dust baths, and they dig holes when its hot and make cool spots...every few days I go in with a hoe and I turn the dirt over, man they run like crazy looking for bugs, and playing!!! I do this to keep the dirt nice and pretty...push the poop down into the ground, then it looks like when I just put it down. Ive had it like this over 1mo I think and ITS WONDERFUL!!!! when you wet the sand with a makes it alot cooler for them also.



As you can see, I have it all on the floor....they roost over all the top of the coop....I havent had to change out my litter in over 1mo.
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I use deep liter inside and out and it is going great. I hadn't planned on doing it outside, but it was getting pretty smelly in the run. So I covered the ground with a layer of shavings. On a really hot day I give it a good soak.
They are making the most fantastic compost. As soon as it gets too smelly, down goes another layer.

I don't have to do it as often inside the coop since they are outdoors all day. I don't know if I am doing it the "right way". but so far it's going great.
Thist is what we do sand, in out door run
and inside deep litter of shavings. and toss a new bucket full once a month and never clean the coop but once a year in Sept.
but we also toss a handfull or two of permectrin between the shavings never have a fly problem or odor. and
no fleas or mites.
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Neither do I...doing it the "right way"...I just play it by on the run part we bought a truck load of sand...its a pretty terra cotta color....they love to do there dust baths in it...I put the mister on...and when its soak...I go in and turn it over with the Hoe...they follow me around, finding bugs and such...and it looks pretty and fresh and clean when I do this...

you see how open my coop is inside, Im trying to figure out winter...they say hay is warmer, but man its messy when they poop, as it clumps up.

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