Dirt on coop floor?

I have them on an old gravel carport area currently, but it gets zero shade and I'm planning ahead. I rent so I can't dig any drains. Building up is a possibility.

I did not consider some of this. I really appreciate your input.
Last winter, mine had three little coops (3' x 2' ish) on legs, that they could go in during the day. Two were pushed together so it was like an apartment: nestbox, bedroom living room; and the other one was a converted rabbit hutch on piles of bricks which was the sunlounge, seniors on the flat top and juniors inside :) They pottered in & out and didn't have to have damp feet.
I went to paint one of the pushed-together coops and discovered masses of red mite in it, so I got two Eglus to help get clear of the infestation quickly, before the house got infested (we were getting bitten in bed despite all precautions). They like roosting in the Eglu but don't go in it during the day, so they've got one of the coops back as soon as I was confident that it would be ok.

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