Does anyone have experience with bantams?


Apr 30, 2022
okay, so someone we know gave us two bantams a rooster, and a hen. she recently got settled in and started laying eggs, are bantams good mothers? or would i need a incubator. my big chickens sit on there eggs and will hatch them but they arent to good at keeping there babies alive, so we have to take them after they hatch. would it be possible to swap eggs on the bigger chickens. or will the bantam sit when shes ready?
:welcome Game hens are generally great on brooding and caring for chicks.
okay thank you! shes only three, my lavender orpington didnt start setting on eggs until last year and shell be 5 this june, i just wanted to make sure i was doing everything right, do bantams need a special nesting box? mine have one but she would rather lay eggs on the dirt
My Bantam cochins aleays hatch well but after 2 hatches I havent had a baby survive.
i had a easter egger that would hatch extremely well then one day started killing all the babies, so they get taken now. alot of them will be fine then just drop dead now, so thats why im trying to switch to bantams. i think my big girls are to old now :(
Odds are that your game type hen will be a good broody, but it's individual, also feed and her brood location do matter. Having her in the coop but fenced so she's not hassled by flockmates is a good thing.

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