Does anyone know what predator digs and then takes chickens "to go"?

Here's Johnny.....

I think I have a badger problem! That's its beady little head trying to figure out how to climb my coop. We buried hardware cloth down 12" and out 18". You can see the upper portion attached to the coop about a foot above the ground. This security was not breached and seemed more effective than lying the cloth on the ground as the badger was smart enough to back off the cloth before tunneling under it, but perplexed by the depth of the cloth and not interested in going deeper than about a foot. Now on to phase two - elimination!
Well I'll be darned! That's one I don't think I've ever read about.
Very interesting about him backing up to tunnel under an apron on the ground....never heard of that one either!!

Glad you figured it out....Happy Hunting!

It would be good if you could start a new thread with Badger in the title and document the process there...something to be brought to others to research badgers and their range.
Our defense was metal shards. We had something digging at the base of the coop, but never got in. My boyfriend's a welder, so he took scrap metal from work and buried it around the base of the coop. Whatever it was sliced its paw good on the metal and never tried again.
Skunks? Coons? I know both are fond of poultry and dig

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