Dominique pullets becoming aggressive


Oct 30, 2019
Hi everyone, my two 9 week old dominique pullets (I think) are starting to become aggressive. They've always been little jerks to some extent but now they're starting to become downright awful. Both of them. They're being housed with an olive egger and a blind wyandotte of the same age in a dog crate placed in the chicken coop (so they can get used to eachother) and they don't appear bully the other chicks their age or each other but they're downright awful to the older birds and me. They aggressively bit one of my Buff Orpingtons through the cage bars and drew blood. They haven't drawn blood from me yet but they'll peck at me and pull at my skin to the point of causing pain. When they bite me I'll tap them in the face (not enough to hurt them) to discourage it but just makes them worse. What do I do? Is there any way I can train them to be less aggressive? I've had them since they were day old babies and I don't want to have to rehome or cull them. The dog crate is getting kind of crowded because they're getting big, could that be causing aggression? It's just weird that they're bullying me and the full grown hens instead of each other.
Push back harder! Peckpeckpeck, fast as you can, on any available body part. Make them run away from you! When they are out with the hens, expect the older birds to reprimand them the same way.
Don't hand feed treats!
Are you sure that they are all pullets? Pictures!
Your blind Wyandotte will have a tough time out there...

Here they are. When the other 3 pullets are big enough to put out with the rest of the flock, I plan to keep the wyandotte separately because I don't think the older girls will be nice to her
Hi everyone, my two 9 week old dominique pullets (I think) are starting to become aggressive. They've always been little jerks to some extent but now they're starting to become downright awful. Both of them. They're being housed with an olive egger and a blind wyandotte of the same age in a dog crate placed in the chicken coop (so they can get used to eachother) and they don't appear bully the other chicks their age or each other but they're downright awful to the older birds and me. They aggressively bit one of my Buff Orpingtons through the cage bars and drew blood. They haven't drawn blood from me yet but they'll peck at me and pull at my skin to the point of causing pain. When they bite me I'll tap them in the face (not enough to hurt them) to discourage it but just makes them worse. What do I do? Is there any way I can train them to be less aggressive? I've had them since they were day old babies and I don't want to have to rehome or cull them. The dog crate is getting kind of crowded because they're getting big, could that be causing aggression? It's just weird that they're bullying me and the full grown hens instead of each other.
My Dominiques were never friendly as chicks and became aggressive in the run I attached to the coop .It was small.Their behavior didn't stop until I finished the big run which is an extension attached to the smaller one .Now they have plenty of room and act totally different. (200 sq ft)They greet me singing where they used to act half wild and wouldn't let me pick them up.2 still refuse to let me pick them up but otherwise are friendly. Most bad behaviors are caused by overcrowding or our own behavior which triggers them to become aggressive.They will peck you for attention too if they associate you with food ( mine still do occasionally) I do agree with Mary wholeheartedly that you should stop all hand feeding.Mine watch my hands closely to see if I have food .
Push back harder! Peckpeckpeck, fast as you can, on any available body part. Make them run away from you! When they are out with the hens, expect the older birds to reprimand them the same way.
Don't hand feed treats!
Are you sure that they are all pullets? Pictures!
Your blind Wyandotte will have a tough time out there...
I attempted this method and the little [expletive]s tried to rip out chunks of my flesh. I still have marks on my skin
I have a hen who's fine everywhere except when she's in a nest box. Not broody, just in egg laying mode. She bites, big time! I wear a leather glove and hold her head when I'm gathering eggs from under her.
And she might leave with the meat birds in a couple of weeks! It's gotten really old managing this twit.
One of my 2020 hens is very social with me, but took time to get over the grab for attention. Lots of time spent pecking her back! Now at seventeen months of age, she's mostly over it, and I kept her rather than selling her as a pullet, because I didn't want a new chicken owner to have to deal with her.
Your chicks may be better when they have enough space! And wearing gloves while you have dealings with her won't be a bad idea either.

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