Don't Wait! Start Extra Today. 4th Month Day 3

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If I may ask a chicken question since I’m still experiencing firsts in my flock and would love to get your opinions….I have 9 total birds, 5 hens that are coming up on 18 mos and my new littles that just reached 18 weeks. I am feeding everyone flock raiser with oyster shell on the side.

I’m reading that protein needs increase during molting season which my original fab 5 will be experiencing this fall and my littles are starting to lay.

can I keep them on flock raiser after molt is over? Many others have suggested that is what they do. Thoughts?
What percent protein is your flock feed?

I am one of those nutters that do not like all flock type feeds for laying all.
I prefer to feed laying birds layer crumble or layer pellets.

Yes you can keep them on the flock raiser.
I am one of those nutters that do not like all flock type feeds for laying all.
I prefer to feed laying birds layer crumble or layer pellets.
Same, I like my hens to get what they need while they're laying so that I don't deal with egg binding or shelless eggs. I've had one egg bound hen (old old girl) and like four shelless eggs out of many many many chickens.
Started with quite a bit if stretching (for me anyway 😁).

Today's circuit 15 rounds 1 min work 20 sec rest, 3 rounds of each:
80 double unders
1 min abs
1 min bag
Bench @ 135 20 reps, then 15, then 14
1 min squats with 30 lb dumbbell on each shoulder

Did a bit of cool down and called it a day. Have to get ready to go to friends for dinner. Not a monumental effort, but it's something.
I stopped by a real gym today.

There is no way in the world I'm getting a membership anytime soon or if ever.
There were no normal looking people in there working out.
Every last one of them was pure muscle.
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