Drooping tail, floppy purple-ish comb, lethargic

Yes, she's probably dying. The liquid emerging from her beak may be an indication of organ shutdown.

Internal laying, especially if it's been happening for a while, is usually fatal unless the abdominal cavity is surgically cleaned out. But even then, the prognosis isn't terrific.

There's a chance she's suffering shock from the stress of the vet visit. Give her one cup of water with one teaspoon sugar and a pinch of salt and baking soda stirred in. Dip her beak to encourage her to drink. If she refuses or is too weak to drink, she's likely dying.
Thank you for posting this. She sadly passed this morning - I'm thankful she didn’t suffer for a long time. I’m really hoping that whatever she and our other hen had isn’t contagious. I wasn’t ready to lose two of our sweet hens this week :-(. Thanks again for all your help.
Thank you for posting this. She sadly passed this morning - I'm thankful she didn’t suffer for a long time. I’m really hoping that whatever she and our other hen had isn’t contagious. I wasn’t ready to lose two of our sweet hens this week :-(. Thanks again for all your help.
So sorry for your loss - it's never easy to lose a pet. It might help you and your son to cope if you keep a few feathers as a memento.... I had to keep my cat's favorite toy when she passed. 💐

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