Dry and wet fowl pox and bubbles on eyes


5 Years
Mar 11, 2014
One of my about 2 1/2 months old pullet and cockerel barred cochin( I bought them when they are about 5 weeks old), have dry fowl pox since about 3 weeks and 2 1/2 weeks ago respectively. About one week after I saw signs of dry fowl pox( big wart on featherless part of their head), their feed consumption significantly decreased, and they are lethargic. I also check the pullet's mouth and throat about 1 week ago, and I see something white and cheesy that is stuck to the tissue on her mouth. I think she have wet fowl pox and when I am trying to take it out, she is in pain and it is bleeding. It indeed grew back, and I don't want to take it out again, since it will peel off by itself about at most few weeks from now, and it doesn't prevent her from eating, drinking and breathing. I didn't see any signs of wet fowl pox on the cockerel, even after I used a q-tip to swab his throat. I seperated them from the other chicks about 1 week ago. About 3-4 days ago, one of the black wart on the pullet, fall of, since she scratched it and it never grew back. White cheesy material also grow on the back of her eyelid(it is not on the eye, but it irritates her eye) since several days ago and yesterday, she tried to take out the big black wart on her upper eyelid that is attached to the white cheesy substance. It was bleeding on that time, and it was hanging, so, I tried to take it out using the scissors.

The only eye that has bubbles on it, is the eye that have wart near her eye. It is the same for the cockerel. All of my chickens(about 10 of them) last year had only cases of mild to severe dry fowl pox and it they don't act sick at all. Even the ones that I bought on June this year (about 7 feathered feet chicks but I bought them 2- 3 weeks before I bought the barred cochin), which came from the same pet store and are about the same age as them( few days apart in age) doesn't show any other signs that indicates disease, except the wart on their head. What causes bubbles on their eyes?
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I'm not sure. I had fowl pox before but last year was the first time for those big black wart looking things. It was bizarre. Now all of mine have had it so they are immune. The bubbles could be from the pressure and irritation? I had a silkie hen that had it in her eye. They swelled shut so bad I had to put ointment on the lids to keep them from sealing shut. She finally lost sight in one eye.
She can't open the affected eye since several hours ago. After I opened it, I tried to squeeze the upper eyelid, and I saw white cheesy substance came out. It is exactly the same thing as the one growing in her eyelids since few days ago. I don't think it is growing on her eye, but instead, it is growing on the skin of her eyelid( the part facing her eye).

I still have terramycin eye ointment that I used to treat my kittens, with severe conjunctivitis. It was so severe on that time, that I can barely see the eyeball since the third eyelid is covering most of the eye surface on both eyes of my 4 kittens at the peak of the severe infection. I used it for 10-14 days, once a day consecutively, and their eyes look normal since 2 months ago. I don't know if it is ok to use it for chickens, The active ingredients are oxytetracyline and polymyxin B sulfate, but it is not labeled for use for chickens.

I also ordered broad spectrum antibiotics, and it should arrive tomorrow. The active ingredients are, amoxicillin trihydrate and tylosin tartrate.
I tried to put the terramycin eye ointment on the eye. Few hours later, I didn't see anymore bubbles on the eyes. I wonder why did that happen? However, they still feel irritation on the affected eye, since they are rubbing it on their wing feathers a lot of times.

Also, I didn't see anymore of the white substance growing again after I put the ointment, but I tried to remove them before putting the ointment on the eye.
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