Duck diarrhea???


Jan 4, 2024
My ducks are about 5 weeks old and have been acting perfectly fine. Both quacking and and wagging their tails and running around a lot in their coop and run space not hunched and their eyes look fine. I have noticed their breathing more but I figured it's just because they are a heavier breed of duck. They have increased the amount they drink I've noticed and have been eating more too which they are growing ducks so makes sense. I did recently change their feed so I'm not sure if that's the cause or not, but in their coop there's a lot of good solid poop and I'm not sure which of the two ducks is pooping liquidy diarrhea but I'm noticing it around. I haven't been giving them treats when this all started happening and it's too cold for them to forage right now. Just wondering if this is something I should be worried about or not. 20240313_214948.jpg
One of the poops I noticed. There's no white so does that mean it's not bacterial or parasitic? I'm not really sure on this stuff :/

I don't quite know if it started around when I gave them different food or not but I did start noticing it a few days ago. And there is still quite a lot of good solid poop that they output I just don't know who's doing what. Maybe I should try and sit around and see.
I think it’s the new food because this happened to someone I knew. They got different food, and her ducks got diarrhea. Nothing serious. Do you mine in me asking for a photo of the new food you got?
Hope she or he feels better!❤️
In case you were wondering, the white is not poop but a bird’s version of pee. Instead of the yellow urea filtered from our blood, bird and reptile kidney’s make uric acid. When mixed with water it makes the white paste people associate with bird poop and means they don’t usually need to drink as much water as we do. Since birds only have one opening, the cloaca, the poop and uric acid can come out together.

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